
Daniel Baron supports the below campaigns and charities:

Cansa Logo

Daniel is an ambassador for CANSA (Cancer Association of South Africa). In 2014 he started the
‘Rockstars Ride For CANSA’ campaign. Baron rode the JHB 94.7 Cycle Challenge with a team of 12
riders to raise funds for cancer awareness and in memory of his cousin, Matthew who passed away of
cancer at the age of 14. The song ‘A Lion’s Heart’ was also written and released to remember
Matthew and all other cancer victims. Daniel’s greatest aim is to inspire and move people with his music.


Shavathon Logo

About CANSA Shavathon

CANSA Shavathon is one of South Africa’s best-loved events in support of a very worthy cause, namely showing solidarity with those affected by cancer. Losing one’s hair is a common side-effect of cancer therapy – so shaving your head has become a symbolic gesture of support for cancer survivors.

Colouring your hair or paying a Bail Out Fee have become options for those who prefer not to shave, or who can’t shave on the day.  For those who like to be actively engaged and to make a difference, Shavathon embracesvolunteers. Their support is invaluable.

Shavathon’s Online Fundraising Platform

In 2012, an online platform was created. Volunteers and corporate SA could participate as online ‘Champions’ by raising funds for Shavathon, online.  See how to raise funds online as a Shavathon Champion and join CANSA’s online community to help spread the word about Shavathon far and wide.

Find out how your school, work place or organisation can take part in CANSA Shavathon 2013 and challenge your competition to do so too!  Or if you would like to you can support Shavathon at your local participating Shopping Centre.


Read more about CANSA and it’s unique role and service delivery…

In order to fund our unique, integrated service and our Holistic Care & Support to those affected by cancer, CANSA relies on the goodwill of individuals, government and corporate partners to support projects such as CANSA Shavathon. Read more about how funds raised at Shavathon are used to fight cancer…

Queries CANSA

Visit or call CANSA toll-free 0800 22 66 22, or email:

Both Ends Burning logo

To find out more about the feature documentary and to watch the film that Daniel composed 3 songs for click here:  

The mission of the Both Ends Burning Campaign –

Both Ends Burning promotes adoption as a solution for children without parents. We exist to create a culture of adoption and to help facilitate changes in the current system. Adoption can serve as a champion for human potential, and as a responsible society we should be encouraging and promoting the practice of adoption.

Cross-cultural studies of children have found that the length of time spent in conditions of social deprivation, like orphanages, correlates with a wide array of psychological and developmental challenges. Children living in institutional settings are at significantly higher risk for developing learning problems, behavioral issues and language disorders. There are ample amounts of studies that validate a child’s development is dependent on a healthy and stimulating environment however, the current international adoption trends show an almost 60% decline in the number of children adopted since 2004. The average international adoption takes 3-5 years to complete leaving innocent children to spend their most formative years languishing in institutional settings. We believe that this is in direct violation of human rights and one of the greatest social injustices of the decade.

Growing up in a family is a child’s most basic human right. Today that basic human right is denied, in many cases, simply due to a dysfunctional adoption system. Both Ends Burning works to protect and advocate for the rights of orphaned children in an effort to minimize the devastating effects of institutionalization, while stressing the importance of protecting birth parents and ensuring that proper safeguards are in place for the children.

The Both Ends Burning Campaign is uniquely positioned to be the central umbrella organization to promote a culture of adoption and to implement policy change. One division of the campaign is The Culture of Adoption Movement, which exists to create awareness, promote adoption as an option, and make every child’s right to a family an important, relevant, social issue. The other division of the Both Ends Burning Campaign is the iAdopt advisory/policy services, which is the advocacy division designed to work with stakeholders to produce policy and process reform.

We are also producing a feature length documentary film that will serve as a catalyst in educating the world about the importance of international adoption, and the current crisis it is in. The film will reveal the full scope and complexity of international adoption today, showcasing the successes as well as the struggles in the modern-day efforts to find permanent families for parent-less children. Filming has taken place on four continents and features child development experts, policymakers, families, and the biggest stakeholders of all: children. The purpose of the film is to help the average person understand the issues and ultimately put pressure on leaders to produce change.

Both Ends Burning has assembled a very distinguished Board of Directors and partnerships with many child welfare experts and organizations. This collective leadership has positioned Both Ends Burning as a responsible force to produce positive social and systematic changes so that more children in the years ahead will have the opportunity to grow up in a family.